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I Have a Song to Sing, O! An Introduction to The Songs Of Gilbert and Sullivan, 1994 first edition.
American Child, A Sonnet Sequence, 1965 edition, by Paul Engle.
The End by David LaRochelle and Richard Egielski, 2007 first edition.
A Series of Unfortunate Events: The End, Book 13 by Lemony Snicket, 2006 first edition.
Mockingjay, final book of The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, 2010 first edition.
The Enchantress, the Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel by Michael Scott, 2012 first edition.
The Wonderful O by James Thurber and Marc Simont, 1957 first edition.
The Golden Dreydl by Ellen Kushner, Ilene Winn-Lederer, 2007 first edition.
Magyk, Book One in the Septimus Heap series by Angie Sage, 2005 first edition.
The Blood of Olympus, Book 5 of the Heroes of Olympus by Rick Riordan, 2014 first edition.
All In A Day by Cynthia Rylant and Nikki McClure, 2009 edition.
Une Promenade en Provence by Hachiro Kanno, 2003 edition.
In Praise of Wine and Certain Noble Spirits, 1960 edition, by Alex Waugh.
The Little Wing Giver by Jacques Taravant and Peter Sis, 2001 first American edition.
The Comedies of Terence, translated by George Colman, 1802 edition printed for Lackington, Allen, and Co., Temple of the Muses, London.
The Bells of Christmas by Virginia Hamilton and Lambert Davis, 1989 first edition.
Tancred or The New Crusade by Benjamin Disraeli, Volume II, 1904 Deluxe Edition.
The Paris Sketch Book of Mr. M. A. Titmarsh and The Irish Sketch Book by William Makepeace Thackeray, circa 1880s.
Sing a New Song, 1997 first edition, by Bijou Le Tord.
Home To Me: Poems Across America, 2003 first edition, selected by Lee Bennett Hopkins, illustrated by Stephen Alcorn.