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$32.00 Mulvaney Stories by Rudyard Kipling, 1897 Henry Altemus edition. Mulvaney Stories by Rudyard Kipling, 1897 Henry Altemus edition. $95.00 Romeo und Julia auf dem Dorfe by Gottfried Keller, 1921 German edition. Romeo und Julia auf dem Dorfe by Gottfried Keller, 1921 German edition. $110.00 Blue-Grass and Rhododendron: Outdoors in Old Kentucky by John Fox Jr, 1901 first edition. Blue-Grass and Rhododendron: Outdoors in Old Kentucky by John Fox Jr, 1901 first edition. $28.00 Ali and the Magic Stew, 2002 first edition, by Shulamith Levey Oppenheim and Winslow Pels. Ali and the Magic Stew, 2002 first edition, by Shulamith Levey Oppenheim and Winslow Pels. $22.00 Snapshots from the Wedding by Gary Soto and Stephanie Garcia, 1997 first edition. Snapshots from the Wedding by Gary Soto and Stephanie Garcia, 1997 first edition. $175.00 Peer Gynt by Henrik Ibsen, 1929 Doubleday edition illustrated by Elizabeth MacKinstry. Peer Gynt by Henrik Ibsen, 1929 Doubleday edition illustrated by Elizabeth MacKinstry. $20.00 The Bottle Imp, 1996 first edition of by Robert Louis Stevenson, illustrated by Jaqueline Mair. The Bottle Imp, 1996 first edition of by Robert Louis Stevenson, illustrated by Jaqueline Mair. $28.00 Between Earth & Sky: Legends of Native American Sacred Places by Joseph Bruchac, 1996 first edition. Between Earth & Sky: Legends of Native American Sacred Places by Joseph Bruchac, 1996 first edition. $20.00 How Much Land Does a Man Need?, 2002 English edition, by Leo Tolstoy. How Much Land Does a Man Need?, 2002 English edition, by Leo Tolstoy. $34.00 The Annotated Uncle Tom's Cabin, edited by Henry Louis Gates, Jr, 2007 first edition. The Annotated Uncle Tom's Cabin, edited by Henry Louis Gates, Jr, 2007 first edition. $24.00 The Queen's Progress, An Elizabethan Alphabet, 2003 first edition, by Celeste Davidson Mannis, Bagram Ibatoulline. The Queen's Progress, An Elizabethan Alphabet, 2003 first edition, by Celeste Davidson Mannis, Bagram Ibatoulline. $148.00 Last Tales by Isak Dinesen, a short story collection by Isak Dinesen, 1957 first edition. Last Tales by Isak Dinesen, a short story collection by Isak Dinesen, 1957 first edition. $24.00 Seeing Is Believing by Elizabeth Shub, 1994 edition. Seeing Is Believing by Elizabeth Shub, 1994 edition. $24.00 Through The Mickle Woods, 1992 author signed edition, by Valiska Gregory, Barry Moser. Through The Mickle Woods, 1992 author signed edition, by Valiska Gregory, Barry Moser. $24.00 Rox et Rouky, French version of Disney's The Fox and The Hound, 1983 edition. Rox et Rouky, French version of Disney's The Fox and The Hound, 1983 edition. $48.00 Little Robin Stay-Behind and Other Plays in Verse for Children by Katharine Lee Bates, 1923 first edition. Little Robin Stay-Behind and Other Plays in Verse for Children by Katharine Lee Bates, 1923 first edition. $18.00 It's Snowing, Little Rabbit by Marie Wabbes, 1987 first US edition. It's Snowing, Little Rabbit by Marie Wabbes, 1987 first US edition. $50.00 The Storyteller's Magazine, 1915, published to promote early 20th century storyteller's movement. The Storyteller's Magazine, 1915, published to promote early 20th century storyteller's movement. $22.00 Doctor Dolittle In The Moon, 1956 edition, by Hugh Lofting, book #8 in the series. Doctor Dolittle In The Moon, 1956 edition, by Hugh Lofting, book #8 in the series. $64.00 Return To The Future, 1942 edition, Sigrid Undset's memoir of fleeing Nazi-occupied Norway. Return To The Future, 1942 edition, Sigrid Undset's memoir of fleeing Nazi-occupied Norway.
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