Now Shopping: Holidays
The Bells of Christmas by Virginia Hamilton and Lambert Davis, 1989 first edition.
Miracle on 10th Street and Other Christmas Writings, 1998 first edition, by Madeleine L'Engle.
E. T. A. Hoffmann's The Nutcracker: An Enchanting Pop-up Adaptation by Jessica Southwick, Neiko Ng, Yevgeniya Yeretskaya.
Too Many Tamales, a picture book by Gary Soto and Ed Martinez. 1993 edition.
The Golden Dreydl by Ellen Kushner, Ilene Winn-Lederer, 2007 first edition.
The Night Before Christmas by Clement Clarke Moore, illustrated by Gennady Spirin, 2006 edition.
Fancy Nancy Splendiferous Christmas by Jane O'Connor and Robin Preiss Glasser, 2009 first edition.
The Animals' Santa by Jan Brett, Marikka Tamura, 2014 first edition.
We Three Kings by Gennady Spirin, 2007 first edition.