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Hunters of the Dusk, Book 7 of Cirque du Freak: The Saga of Darren Shan, 2004 first U.S. edition.
Trials of Death, Book 5 of Cirque du Freak: The Saga of Darren Shan, 2001 first U.S. edition.
Tawny Scrawny Lion, 1954 Little Golden Book by Kathryn Jackson and Gustaf Tenggren.
Aunt Maria by Diana Wynne Jones, 1991 first edition.
The Little History of the Wide World by Mable Pyne, 1947 first edition.
Summerland by Michael Chabon, 2002 first edition.
A Treasury of American Prints edited by Thomas Craven, 1939 edition.
1986 Rupert Bear Daily Express Annual by James Henderson, John Harrold.
But Gentleman Marry Brunettes by Anita Loos. 1928 first edition.
Monsieur Pamplemousse Aloft, A Gastronomic Mystery by Michael Bond, 1989 first American edition.
Echoes of the Past: Tales of Old Yavapai by the Yavapai Cow Belles of Arizona. 1955 first edition.
Bright-Eyes the Glider Possum, a children's book by Veronica Basser. Signed 1957 first edition.
Snowflake by Paul Gallico, illustrated by David Knight and Reisie Lonette. 1953 first edition.
Bear Country, a Walt Disney True-Life Adventure by Betty Ren Wright. 1954 first edition.
My Uncle Jacinto by Andras Laszlo, 1958 first American edition.
The Complete Stories of Evelyn Waugh, 1998 first American edition.
Dorobo the Dangerous, a children's book by Marcia Vaughan and Kazuko Stone. Signed by author. 1995 first edition.
The Folio Book of Short Novels, an anthology from The Folio Society, 1998 edition.
David Hockney: Poster Art, 1994 first edition.
A Further Range, Book Six, a Pulitzer Prize-winning poetry collection by Robert Frost. 1936 first edition.