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$26.00 Famous Faces by Norman Messenger, 1995 first American edition. Famous Faces by Norman Messenger, 1995 first American edition. $30.00 The Vampire Prince, Book 6 of Cirque du Freak: The Saga of Darren Shan, 2002 first U.S. edition. The Vampire Prince, Book 6 of Cirque du Freak: The Saga of Darren Shan, 2002 first U.S. edition. $65.00 Walt Disney True-Life Adventures Books, 1958 Canadian edition. Walt Disney True-Life Adventures Books, 1958 Canadian edition. $26.00 Doctor Dolittle's Post Office by Hugh Lofting, 1950 edition. Doctor Dolittle's Post Office by Hugh Lofting, 1950 edition. $22.00 Doctor Dolittle's Circus by Hugh Lofting, 1952 edition. Doctor Dolittle's Circus by Hugh Lofting, 1952 edition. $20.00 The Poppy Seed Cakes, a vintage children's book by Margery Clark and Maud and Miska Petersham. 1943 edition. The Poppy Seed Cakes, a vintage children's book by Margery Clark and Maud and Miska Petersham. 1943 edition. $38.00 Mooltiki: Stories and Poems from India by Rumer Godden, 1957 first edition. Mooltiki: Stories and Poems from India by Rumer Godden, 1957 first edition. $30.00 The Nightingale by Hans Christian Andersen, illustrated by Beni Montresor. 1985 first edition. The Nightingale by Hans Christian Andersen, illustrated by Beni Montresor. 1985 first edition. $22.00 Uncle Snake, a children's picture book by Matthew Gollub and Leovigildo Martinez. 1996 first edition. Uncle Snake, a children's picture book by Matthew Gollub and Leovigildo Martinez. 1996 first edition. $18.00 The Lion and the Gypsy, a children's picture book by Geoffrey Patterson. 1991 first edition. The Lion and the Gypsy, a children's picture book by Geoffrey Patterson. 1991 first edition. $110.00 The Guardian with Notes and Illustrations, Volumes I and II, edited by Nestor Ironside, 1822 London edition. The Guardian with Notes and Illustrations, Volumes I and II, edited by Nestor Ironside, 1822 London edition. $29.00 Chronicles of King Arthur by Andrea Hopkins. 1993 first edition. Chronicles of King Arthur by Andrea Hopkins. 1993 first edition. $475.00 Het Ryck der Goden onder den Eenige ware God by Johannes Aysma, 1686 edition. The Reign of the Gods Under the Only True God. Het Ryck der Goden onder den Eenige ware God by Johannes Aysma, 1686 edition. The Reign of the Gods Under the Only True God. $500.00 The Works of Virgil Maron, Interpretation and Notes, Dauphin Edition by Carolus Ruaeus, a.k.a. Charles de La Rue. 1790 edition. The Works of Virgil Maron, Interpretation and Notes, Dauphin Edition by Carolus Ruaeus, a.k.a. Charles de La Rue. 1790 edition. $110.00 The Letters of Mrs. Elizabeth Montagu, Parts I and II, by Matthew Montague, 1810 third and 1813 first editions. The Letters of Mrs. Elizabeth Montagu, Parts I and II, by Matthew Montague, 1810 third and 1813 first editions. $125.00 The English Drama Purified Volumes I and II by James Plumptre, 1812 first edition. The English Drama Purified Volumes I and II by James Plumptre, 1812 first edition. $18.00 Little Oh, a picture book by Laura Krauss Melmed and Jim LaMarche. 1997 first edition. Little Oh, a picture book by Laura Krauss Melmed and Jim LaMarche. 1997 first edition. $125.00 The Three Happy Lions by Louise Fatio and Roger Duvoisin, 1959 first edition. The Three Happy Lions by Louise Fatio and Roger Duvoisin, 1959 first edition. $65.00 Bantu Folk Tales by Jessie Hertslet and Joyce Wallis. 1946 first edition. Bantu Folk Tales by Jessie Hertslet and Joyce Wallis. 1946 first edition. $26.00 Killers of the Dawn, Book 9 of Cirque du Freak: The Saga of Darren Shan, first U.S. edition. Killers of the Dawn, Book 9 of Cirque du Freak: The Saga of Darren Shan, first U.S. edition.
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