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$15.00 L'Oreille de Marmouset, 1979 edition, by Dina-K. Tourneur. L'Oreille de Marmouset, 1979 edition, by Dina-K. Tourneur. $15.00 Marmouset Chipe Une Pomme, 1980 edition, by Dina-K. Tourneur. Marmouset Chipe Une Pomme, 1980 edition, by Dina-K. Tourneur. $65.00 The Human Comedy, 1943 first edition of William Saroyan's first novel, illustrated by Don Freeman. The Human Comedy, 1943 first edition of William Saroyan's first novel, illustrated by Don Freeman. $20.00 Yoko, a children's picture book by Rosemary Wells, 1998 first edition. Yoko, a children's picture book by Rosemary Wells, 1998 first edition. $24.00 Jackal's Flying Lesson, A Khoikhoi Tale by Verna Aardema, 1995 first edition. Jackal's Flying Lesson, A Khoikhoi Tale by Verna Aardema, 1995 first edition. $12.00 An Ice Cold Grave, 2007 first edition, by Charlaine Harris, a Harper Connelly novel. An Ice Cold Grave, 2007 first edition, by Charlaine Harris, a Harper Connelly novel. $38.00 The Three-Cornered Hat, 1927 first English edition, by Pedro Antonio de Alarcon. The Three-Cornered Hat, 1927 first English edition, by Pedro Antonio de Alarcon. $34.00 Rose in Bloom by Louisa May Alcott, Newbery Classics, circa 1940s edition. Rose in Bloom by Louisa May Alcott, Newbery Classics, circa 1940s edition. $24.00 Music for the Tsar of the Sea, 1998 first edition, by Celia Barker Lottridge. Music for the Tsar of the Sea, 1998 first edition, by Celia Barker Lottridge. $28.00 Bears by Ruth Krauss, Maurice Sendak, 2005 edition. Bears by Ruth Krauss, Maurice Sendak, 2005 edition. $28.00 Annotated Uncle Tom's Cabin, 2007 first edition, edited by Henry Louis Gates, Jr. and Hollis Robbins. Annotated Uncle Tom's Cabin, 2007 first edition, edited by Henry Louis Gates, Jr. and Hollis Robbins. $18.00 Through Children's Gate: A Home in New York by Adam Gropnik, 2006 first edition. Through Children's Gate: A Home in New York by Adam Gropnik, 2006 first edition. $18.00 The Blue Songbird, 2017 first edition, by Vern Kousky. The Blue Songbird, 2017 first edition, by Vern Kousky. $26.00 The Tigers of Kumgang Mountains, 2005 first edition, by Kim So-un. The Tigers of Kumgang Mountains, 2005 first edition, by Kim So-un. $20.00 Ton, a wordless picture book by Taro Miura, 2006 first US edition. Ton, a wordless picture book by Taro Miura, 2006 first US edition. $26.00 Miss Lina's Ballerinas and the Prince, 2011 first edition, by Grace Maccarone. Miss Lina's Ballerinas and the Prince, 2011 first edition, by Grace Maccarone. $22.00 Lemony Snicket's 13 Words, 2010 first edition, by Maira Kalman. Lemony Snicket's 13 Words, 2010 first edition, by Maira Kalman. $26.00 Hit the Road Jack, 2012 first edition, by Robert Burleigh. Hit the Road Jack, 2012 first edition, by Robert Burleigh. $20.00 Twenty Yawns, 2016 first edition, a children's picture book by Jane Smiley and Lauren Castillo. Twenty Yawns, 2016 first edition, a children's picture book by Jane Smiley and Lauren Castillo. $18.00 Crow Call, 2009 first edition, children's picture book by Lois Lowry. Crow Call, 2009 first edition, children's picture book by Lois Lowry.
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