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Poems by Alan Seeger, 1916 first edition, Charles Scribner's Sons.
The Life of Mrs. Jordan Volumes I and II by James Boaden, 1831 third edition.
The Arts, a history of the arts by Hendrik Willem Van Loon, 1939 edition.
That Pup, a book by Ellis Parker Butler, illustrated by Frederick Strothmann, 1908 edition.
Pigs is Pigs, a book by Ellis Parker Butler, illustrated by Will Crawford, 1906 edition.
Life of Mary Anne Schimmelpenninck by Christiana Hankin, 1858 second edition.
The Sign of the Seahorse by Graeme Base, 1992 first edition.
Two Little Savages, a book by Ernest Thompson Seton, 1903 first edition.
Alroy or The Prince of the Captivity: A Wondrous Tale by Benjamin Disraeli, 1904 Deluxe Edition, M. Walter Dunne.
Contanini Fleming: A Psychological Romance, Volume II, by Benjamin Disraeli, 1904 Deluxe Edition, M. Walter Dunne.
The Lake of Souls, Book 10 of Cirque du Freak: The Saga of Darren Shan, first U.S. edition.
The Wretched Stone by Chris Van Allsburg, 1991 first edition.
The Great Stone Face by Nathaniel Hawthorne, 1998 first edition illustrated by Greg Dearth.
Poems by Jean Ingelow, 1867 author's edition.
Bartholomew and the Oobleck by Dr. Seuss, circa 1958 red edition.
The Hills of Yesterday by Martha McKelvie and Bill Freeman, 1960 first edition.
The Counsel Assigned and The Perfect Tribute, Abraham Lincoln, 2 Volumes by Mary Raymond Shipman Andrews, 1912 editions.
The Bee-Man of Orn, 2003 first US edition, by Frank Stockton with CD.
The Unbroken Web by Richard Adams, Jennifer Campbell, Yvonne Gilbert, 1980 first edition.
Wolf by Valerie Hobbs, 2003 first edition.