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Losing Things at Mr. Mudd's by Carolyn Coman and Lance Hidy, 1992 first edition.
Piggybook by award-winning author and illustrator Anthony Browne, 1986 first edition.
Benjy: A Ferocious Fairy Tale by Edwin O'Connor and Ati Forberg. 1957 first edition.
Iktomi and the Ducks, a Plains Indian story by Paul Goble, 1990 first edition.
Too Many Tamales, a picture book by Gary Soto and Ed Martinez. 1993 edition.
The Cocoa Palm and Other Songs for Children by Mary Dillingham Frear and Bessie Foster French. 1898 first edition.
Shoes and Ships and Sealing Wax, 1928 first edition, by Ethel Clere Chamberlin.
Basket Moon, a children's picture book by Mary Lyn Ray and Barbara Cooney. Signed 1999 first edition.
Demi's Reflective Fables, a children's picture book by Demi. 1988 first edition.
Treemonisha, 1995 first edition by Angela Shelf Medearis, based on the Opera by Scott Joplin.
Monster Slayer, a children's book by Vee Browne and Baje Whitethorne. Signed by author. 1991 first edition.
The Cinder-Eyed Cats by Eric Rohmann, 1997 first edition.
Clever Cat, a picture book by Peter Collington, 2000 first edition.
The New Adventures of Rupert, 50th Daily Express Annual, 1985 edition, a salute to illustrator Alfred Bestall.
Flight of the Dodo, a picture book by Peter Brown. 2005 first edition.
Gulliver's Travels by Jonathon Swift, illustrated by Warren Chappell, 1977 edition.
Randolph's Dream, 1991 first edition, by Robert Andrew Parker, Judy Mellecker.
Tibet: Through the Red Box by Peter Sis, 1999 first Scholastic edition, Caldecott Honor Book.
America Travels by Alice Dalgliesh and Hildegarde Woodward, a vintage children's book, 1933 first edition.