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$18.00 The Lion and the Gypsy, a children's picture book by Geoffrey Patterson. 1991 first edition. The Lion and the Gypsy, a children's picture book by Geoffrey Patterson. 1991 first edition. $18.00 Nursery Tales Around the World by Judy Sierra and Stefano Vitale. 1996 first edition. Nursery Tales Around the World by Judy Sierra and Stefano Vitale. 1996 first edition. $29.00 Chronicles of King Arthur by Andrea Hopkins. 1993 first edition. Chronicles of King Arthur by Andrea Hopkins. 1993 first edition. $18.00 Little Oh, a picture book by Laura Krauss Melmed and Jim LaMarche. 1997 first edition. Little Oh, a picture book by Laura Krauss Melmed and Jim LaMarche. 1997 first edition. $20.00 The Bottle Imp, 1996 first edition of by Robert Louis Stevenson, illustrated by Jaqueline Mair. The Bottle Imp, 1996 first edition of by Robert Louis Stevenson, illustrated by Jaqueline Mair. $65.00 Bantu Folk Tales by Jessie Hertslet and Joyce Wallis. 1946 first edition. Bantu Folk Tales by Jessie Hertslet and Joyce Wallis. 1946 first edition. $18.00 Aladdin and the Enchanted Lamp by Philip Pullman, Sophy Williams, first edition. Aladdin and the Enchanted Lamp by Philip Pullman, Sophy Williams, first edition. $32.00 Baba Yaga, A Russian Folktale by Margaret Yatsevitch Phinney and Lydian Green. 1988 first edition. Baba Yaga, A Russian Folktale by Margaret Yatsevitch Phinney and Lydian Green. 1988 first edition. $32.00 The Boy Who Swallowed Snakes by Laurence Yep, Jean Mou-Sien Tseng, 1994 first edition. The Boy Who Swallowed Snakes by Laurence Yep, Jean Mou-Sien Tseng, 1994 first edition. $24.00 Through The Mickle Woods, 1992 author signed edition, by Valiska Gregory, Barry Moser. Through The Mickle Woods, 1992 author signed edition, by Valiska Gregory, Barry Moser. $35.00 The Wretched Stone by Chris Van Allsburg, 1991 first edition. The Wretched Stone by Chris Van Allsburg, 1991 first edition. $20.00 The Great Stone Face by Nathaniel Hawthorne, 1998 first edition illustrated by Greg Dearth. The Great Stone Face by Nathaniel Hawthorne, 1998 first edition illustrated by Greg Dearth. $20.00 Count Silvernose, a Story from Italy by Eric A. Kimmel, 1996 first edition. Count Silvernose, a Story from Italy by Eric A. Kimmel, 1996 first edition. $24.00 Jackal's Flying Lesson, A Khoikhoi Tale by Verna Aardema, 1995 first edition. Jackal's Flying Lesson, A Khoikhoi Tale by Verna Aardema, 1995 first edition. $30.00 The Unbroken Web by Richard Adams, Jennifer Campbell, Yvonne Gilbert, 1980 first edition. The Unbroken Web by Richard Adams, Jennifer Campbell, Yvonne Gilbert, 1980 first edition. $24.00 The End by David LaRochelle and Richard Egielski, 2007 first edition. The End by David LaRochelle and Richard Egielski, 2007 first edition. $26.00 The Tigers of Kumgang Mountains, 2005 first edition, by Kim So-un. The Tigers of Kumgang Mountains, 2005 first edition, by Kim So-un. $18.00 The Magic Rabbit by Annette LeBlanc Cate, 2007 first edition. The Magic Rabbit by Annette LeBlanc Cate, 2007 first edition. $26.00 William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet - Barbara Kindermann, Christa Unznier, 2006 first edition. William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet - Barbara Kindermann, Christa Unznier, 2006 first edition.