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The Lion and the Gypsy, a children's picture book by Geoffrey Patterson. 1991 first edition.
Chronicles of King Arthur by Andrea Hopkins. 1993 first edition.
Little Oh, a picture book by Laura Krauss Melmed and Jim LaMarche. 1997 first edition.
The Bottle Imp, 1996 first edition of by Robert Louis Stevenson, illustrated by Jaqueline Mair.
Bantu Folk Tales by Jessie Hertslet and Joyce Wallis. 1946 first edition.
Aladdin and the Enchanted Lamp by Philip Pullman, Sophy Williams, first edition.
The Boy Who Swallowed Snakes by Laurence Yep, Jean Mou-Sien Tseng, 1994 first edition.
Through The Mickle Woods, 1992 author signed edition, by Valiska Gregory, Barry Moser.
The End by David LaRochelle and Richard Egielski, 2007 first edition.
The Tigers of Kumgang Mountains, 2005 first edition, by Kim So-un.
The Magic Rabbit by Annette LeBlanc Cate, 2007 first edition.
William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet - Barbara Kindermann, Christa Unznier, 2006 first edition.