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All In A Day by Cynthia Rylant and Nikki McClure, 2009 edition.
The Blue Songbird, 2017 first edition, by Vern Kousky.
Miss Lina's Ballerinas and the Prince, 2011 first edition, by Grace Maccarone.
Lemony Snicket's 13 Words, 2010 first edition, by Maira Kalman.
Hit the Road Jack, 2012 first edition, by Robert Burleigh.
Twenty Yawns, 2016 first edition, a children's picture book by Jane Smiley and Lauren Castillo.
Crow Call, 2009 first edition, children's picture book by Lois Lowry.
Josefina Javelina by Susan Lowell, first edition.
Fuzzy, Furry Hat by Etienne Delessert, 2016 First Edition.
Where the Giant Sleeps by Mem Fox, Vladimir Radunsky, 2007 first edition.
Splotch by Gianna Marino, 2017 first edition.
Farewell Sadness by Roxane Marie Galliez and Sandrine Lhomme, 2008 first edition.
How Do You Wokka-Wokka? by Elizabeth Bluemle, 2009 first edition.
Houdini: The Amazing Caterpillar by Janet Pedersen, 2008 first edition.
I Am Maru by Mugumogu, 2011 first edition.
Mr. Jeremy Fisher by Beatrix Potter, 2006 Frederick Warne edition.
Bones: Skeletons and How They Work by Steve Jenkins, 2010 first edition.
Randolph Caldecott's Picture Books, 2008 Huntington Library illustrated edition.
The 108th Sheep by Ayano Imai, 2006 first edition.
Monkey See, Monkey Draw by Alex Beard, 2011 first edition.