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Jose's Basket by Karen Papagapitos, 1990 signed edition.
Randolph's Dream, 1991 first edition, by Robert Andrew Parker, Judy Mellecker.
The Queen's Progress, An Elizabethan Alphabet, 2003 first edition, by Celeste Davidson Mannis, Bagram Ibatoulline.
Look What I've Got, 1980 first UK Edition, by Anthony Browne, Hans Christian Andersen Award winner.
Shoes and Ships and Sealing Wax, 1928 first edition, by Ethel Clere Chamberlin.
Movie Book of Wild West Shows, 1951, complete with TV wheel.
Gwendolyn and The Weathercock, 1963 first edition, by Nancy Sherman, illustrated by Edward Sorel.
Fay's Fairy Tales: Little Red Riding Hood, 1999 first mini edition, by William Wegman.
Punch in New York, 1991 first edition, by Caldecott Award-winner Alice Provensen.
Benjy: A Ferocious Fairy Tale by Edwin O'Connor and Ati Forberg. 1957 first edition.