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Going, Going, Gone! by Judy Blume - The Pain and The Great One Series - 2008 first edition.
The Golden Dream of Carlo Chuchio by Lloyd Alexander, 2008 first edition.
Crooked Heart by Lissa Evans - First U.S. Edition - Children's Books, Kids Books, World War II, London England, The Blitz, 1930s
My Dad's A Birdman by David Almond, Polly Dunbar, 2007 first edition.
Definitely Dead, a Sookie Stackhouse book by Charlaine Harris, 2006 first edition, True Blood #6.
Dead As A Doornail, and Sookie Stackhouse book by Charlaine Harris, 2005 first edition, True Blood #5.
All Together Dead, a Sookie Stackhouse book by Charlaine Harris, 2007 first edition, True Blood #7.